Posts Tagged ‘editor’

Two stories about Open Peer Review (OPR), the next stage in Open Access (OA).

Thursday, October 5th, 2017

We have heard a lot about OA or Open Access (of journal articles) in the last five years, often in association with the APC (Article Processing Charge) model of funding such OA availability. Rather less discussed is how the model of the peer review of these articles might also evolve into an Open environment. Here I muse about two experiences I had recently.


The challenges in curating research data: one case study.

Friday, April 28th, 2017

Research data (and its management) is rapidly emerging as a focal point for the development of research dissemination practices. An important aspect of ensuring that such data remains fit for purpose is identifying what curation activities need to be associated with it. Here I revisit one particular case study associated with the molecular structure of a product identified from a photolysis reaction[1] and the curation of the crystallographic data associated with this study.



  1. Y. Legrand, A. van der Lee, and M. Barboiu, "Single-Crystal X-ray Structure of 1,3-Dimethylcyclobutadiene by Confinement in a Crystalline Matrix", Science, vol. 329, pp. 299-302, 2010.

A wider look at π-complex metal-alkene (and alkyne) compounds.

Monday, June 13th, 2016

Previously, I looked at the historic origins of the so-called π-complex theory of metal-alkene complexes. Here I follow this up with some data mining of the crystal structure database for such structures.


Jmol and WordPress: Loading 3D molecular models, molecular isosurfaces and molecular vibrations into a blog

Saturday, April 12th, 2008