Posts Tagged ‘mobile devices’
Monday, December 2nd, 2013
This is one of those topics that seems to crop up every three years or so. Since then, new versions of operating systems, new versions of programs, mobile devices and perhaps some progress?
Tags:chemical data, chemical semantics, chemical structure diagrams, chemical structures, desktop operating systems, mature technology, mobile devices, much current software, operating system, operating systems, veritable word processor, Word, word processor, XML
Posted in Chemical IT | No Comments »
Monday, October 24th, 2011
I have for perhaps the last 25 years been urging publishers to recognise how science publishing could and should change. My latest thoughts are published in an article entitled “The past, present and future of Scientific discourse” (DOI: 10.1186/1758-2946-3-46). Here I take two articles, one published 58 years ago and one published last year, and attempt to reinvent some aspects. You can see the result for yourself (since this journal is laudably open access, and you will not need a subscription). The article is part of a special issue, arising from a one day symposium held in January 2011 entitled “Visions of a Semantic Molecular Future” in celebration of Peter Murray-Rust’s contributions over that period (go read all 15 articles on that theme in fact!).
Tags:Acrobat, Amazon, Android, chemical structure drawing packages, e-books, HTML, HTML5, iPad, iPads, Java, KF8, Kindle, mobile devices, opendata, Peter Murray-Rust, printing costs, SVG, Vector Graphics
Posted in Chemical IT, General | 3 Comments »
Friday, April 29th, 2011
At a recent conference, I talked about what books might look like in the near future, with the focus on mobile devices such as the iPad. I ended by asserting that it is a very exciting time to be an aspiring book author, with one’s hands on (what matters), the content. Ways of expressing that content are currently undergoing an explosion of new metaphors, and we might even expect some of them to succeed! But content is king, as they say.
Tags:aspiring author, aspiring book author, e-books, Imperial College, intent on creating interactive content do, iPad, King, Matt Macinnis, mobile devices, social network, Tutorial material
Posted in Chemical IT, General | 8 Comments »